Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Time 4 Learning

Hi, everyone!

      I am very excited to share with you my experience with homeschooling.  I have tried many different methods of homeschooling,  online public school, charlotte Mason, and even unschooling.  I really like unschooling, I think it benefits our family very well, but I have a variety of different personalities in the school age group here at home and sometimes one thing does not work for the rest.

    In my search for a curriculum that benefits my family, I have been invited to try time4learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so come back and be sure to read my experience.  Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for after school enrichment and for summer skill sharpening.  Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning. 

   I am excited to see what this program is about!