Well, for Valentine's Day we couldn't get a sitter, and David wanted to surprise me. So he went and bought all the stuff to make Spaghetti Dinner. When we were dating David surprised me with a Dinner at his house, Dave's Diner. He was trying to recreate that. This time though we had a few companions. Little David was asleep, he wasn't feeling well and the other girls were supposed to be in bed. Well it took a while to get all the girls settled, so we started getting a little frustrated but we were excited to be together. Then when we got the girls settled, Little David woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep. So I had 2 dates for Valentine's. Then we watched Winnie the Pooh. Eventually we got little David to sleep, around the same time Big David fell asleep too. By the way the dishes in the picture were the same style David used in the original Dave's Diner. The others broke, but I found the whole set at a garage sale. I was very excited when I found them. The Orchids were my Present.
These are pictures of our family on a Sunday. It is best to take nice pictures on Sundays, because during the week, everybody just gets too dirty, in the mud at our house.
David's 2nd Birthday! For David's Birthday, we bought a cake and some cars. That made the him very happy. We also bought some tracks that he played with and had a lot of fun. We also got him a cars cap which he usually doesn't leave the house without.
Well I mentioned in my profile that I am expecting. We have a confirmation on due date and what it is. We are having a boy and the official due date is June 3rd, 2010. It will probably be a May baby, since I usually go early. We are not sure on the name, but we have some ideas. Solomon Isaac Taylor, Samuel Isaac Taylor, Joshua Samuel Taylor. These are just some ideas give us your suggestions. We would really like to keep it at bible names, as it goes with the rest of our names. Olivia, Rachel, Rebecca, and David. Just throw out your ideas. Anyway this is the ultrasound images of our son.